
VITON (60 Caps)

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Male Sexual
Promoter Enhance Sex Desire
Stimulate Endocrine Organ Function
Classical Use:

Semen depurant, vitality, aphrodisiac, Spermaturia, spermatorrhoea. Used in aphrodisiac, Sex stimulant, Increase sperm count, spermatogenic, promote virility, Libido stimulant and reputed sex tonic.

Therapeutic use & Indications :

Sex stimulant.

Toxicity / Safety: No adverse effects have been reported in the literature Its use in human since long time with safety.

Dose: 2 capsules daily or as prescribe by health provider.

Botanical name Ingredients:

Shilajit (Mineral), Hygrophila spinosa Linn, Crocus sativus Linn, Blepharis edulis Pers, Withania somnifera Linn, Mucuna prurita Hook, Bombax malabaricum DC, Sida cordifolia Linn, Myristica fragrans Houtt

Active Ingredients & Pharmacology:

Seed contain glucoside, Blepharin, Saponin. L-Dopa and aminoacids, Mucunine, Prurienine, Mucunadine, Credited as Nervine tonic, use for Insomnia, anxiety and depression. Shows CNS-depressant, potent nervine tonic in case of depressed Libido and Increase spermatozoa. hemigossyoplone, lupeol,Beta-sitosterol, sidephedrine, inazoline, vasicinone, choline, betaineexibited significant broncho dilatory activity, cardiac stimulant, antispasmodic, Immunomodulator, shows anti bacterial. Antifungal, anti viral activity. neo lignans, triterpenic saponin, Myristic acid, geraniol, Exhibit anti diarrhoeal, anti inflammatory properties, urinary and bladder inflammation.

Reputed Aphrodisiac, Spermatogenetic. Since ages prescribed in impotency, Spermatorrhoea and Sexual debility.

References: Unani Dravyagunadarsh, Daljitsinh, Nadkarni KM, Indian Materia Medica, CSIR,162 ■ Charak sutrasthan 27 ■ Chopra IMM Glossary of Indian Medicinal plants, 1956