
LIPIN_H (60 Caps)

Cholesterol Management
Cardiac Vascular Health
Prevent Atherosclerosis
Classical Use:

Cardiac disorders, neuralgia antitoxic, febrifuge used in liver disorders.

Therapeutic use & Indications :

Lipidemia, Atheroselerosis, Cardio Vascular tonic.

Toxicity / Safety: No adverse effects have been reported in the literature. Its use in human since long time with safety.

Dose: 2 capsules daily or as prescribe by health provider.

Botanical name Ingredients:

Allium cepa Linn, Allium sativum Linn, Cyperus rotundus Linn, Trichosanthes dioica Roxb, Curcuma longa Linn

Active Ingredients & Pharmacology:

Contains - Volatile oil with organic sulphur, such as Allicin, flavonoids, phenolic acid, sterols shows potent hypocholestremic, hypoglycaemic and anti bacterial properties. Useful in atherosclerosis, antithrombotic agent, lowered cholesterol, plasma lipid, preventing high blood pressure. Allin and Allicin are major constituents.

  • Sesquiterpenoids, Rotunol, mustacone, cyperone, beta-sitosterol. Exibit anti inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic, reduction in body weight. Lowered blood pressure in hypertensive obese patients. quite encouraging in arthritis.
  • Trichosanthin, colocynthin, saponin and glucoside. Encoureging finding for lower blood sugar, cholesterol, lipid and triglycerides. * Curcuminoids, phytosterol, treatment of Gallstones, acute or chronic inflammation, increasing billiary excretion, exhibit hepatoprotection, chemoprevention, antioxidant, cancer preventive and chemo adjuvant. Triglycerides, inhibit platelet aggregation. Antifungal, anti bacterial properties.

Onion, Curcuma longa and Cyperus rotundus found a potent Hypocholesteraemic agent as a preventive and therapeutic measure.

References: Wealth of India, 1985, Soni K.B. Indian Pharmacol, 1992, Bambhole VD, Jiddewar GC,1984, Sharma G., Pant MC. Med,Res, 1988